It is almost impossible to find someone who hasnt heard of Botox.
Botox has been the big boy on the block for years with really very few contenders… until now.
Entering the ring of nonsurgical esthetic
Most people are greatly misinformed in regards to eczema. We just assume that eczema is a condition while in reality it is not a single condition. We all associate itchy skin to eczema but there are many other symptoms and varying degrees treatments. Some of these treatments can be very similar so its imperative to understand the different types of rash conditions that might be called eczema and their correlating treatments.
One of the most common types of eczema is also called atopic dermatitis, which may occur on any part of the body including face and hands. Some people over time will recover from this condition and no longer get it, but about 50% of people who develop it as children still get in on their hands as adults. It usually presents in outbreaks, and the standard eczema treatment methods for this form of dermatitis include use of moisturizers, topical corticosteroids applied to the skin, and allergy testing to make certain the rash isn
Daily I am approached with frustrated women who simply cannot find a reasonable solution to using makeup when they are dealing with allergies.
There are two types of allergic reactions that might occur following exposure to cosmetics:
Literally millions of Americans suffer from extreme allergies to food ranging from nuts to milk. By far the greatest method for treating these allergies is Food Desensitization. Our food desensitization programs can provide a long-term solution for patients with peanut, egg, milk, or other food allergies. At the end of this 3-6 month program patients should be able to consume these foods with no allergic reactions. This program introduces the allergic food to the patient in minor doses orally over a period of time. The time can range from 3 – 6 month based on the patient. By steadily increasing the dosage of the allergen food our patients build a tolerance as their immune system adjust accordingly.
The first visit of the desensitization process lasts from 2 to 4 hours. During this time the patient will receive multiple doses of very small amounts of diluted milk, diluted peanut flour, diluted egg powder, or other diluted protein, as this is an oral desensitization. There are no available shots for food allergies. The patient will return weekly for dose increases followed by a period of observation. Between each visit the patient will take two doses of the desensitizing food each day at home. Once maintenance dose is reached the food must be eaten daily to maintain tolerance.
Whether you are looking to build a tolerance in case of accidental consumption or if you wish to include your allergic foods to your regular diet food
I would say at least once a week I have a patient ask me about their
One of the many reasons I love what I do as an allergy doctor in Plano Texas is because I get to treat the actual cause of so much pain and discomfort. Instead of just the symptoms.
If you have been diagnosed with allergies then
Last week we discussed just what a dust mite is and what some of the issues thy can cause.
The truth of the matter is that most people dont really want to know every detail of a dust mite but rather how to get rid of them!
As I have been teaching my patients for years about dust mites I have come to realize that there is a need for good ole down and dirty quick advise when it comes to dust mites.
So here are the top 5 MUST DO’s to get rid of and keep out dust mites… and their feces!