Category Archives: Allergy

Too Much Vitamin D During Pregnancy Can Cause Food Allergies, Research Suggests

In cases where expectant mothers were found to have a low vitamin D level in the blood, the occurrence of food allergies among their two-year old children was rarer than in cases where expectant mothers had a high vitamin D blood level. In reverse, this means that a high vitamin D level in pregnant women is associated with a higher risk of their children to develop a food allergy during infancy. Furthermore, those children were found to have a high level of the specific immunoglobulin E to food allergens such as egg white, milk protein, wheat flour, peanuts or soy beans.

Apart from diet, the level of vitamin D is mainly affected by conditions such as season, exposure to the sun and the amount of time spent outdoors — these factors were also taken into account in the current risk analyses of vitamin D and food allergy. Even though the occurrence of food allergies is undoubtedly affected by many other factors than just the vitamin D level, it is still important to take this aspect into consideration. It is advisable for pregnant women not to take vitamin D supplements. and excess of vitamin D can increase the risk of children developing a food allergy in the first two years of their life.

Spring Time Allergies


Spring time is approaching, which primarily means that green and yellow dust will start to appear on your cars, windows, and start to take over in North Texas. Most species of tree pollen starts to emerge in February and can persist well into the summer. Allergy suffers should try to minimize their time outdoors during the day as the tree pollen counts are often higher and more potent while the sun is out. It is very important to determine which species of trees you may be allergic to, and this can be done with routine allergy skin testing.

If the trees are causing your sniffles and itchy, watery eyes stop your job as a lumberjack and come see us!!

Want To Be Desensitized?

One of the many reasons I love what I do as an allergy doctor in Plano Texas is because I get to treat the actual cause of so much pain and discomfort. Instead of just the symptoms.

If you have been diagnosed with allergies then

How To Defeat Dust Mites!

Last week we discussed just what a dust mite is and what some of the issues thy can cause.

The truth of the matter is that most people dont really want to know every detail of a dust mite but rather how to get rid of them!

As I have been teaching my patients for years about dust mites I have come to realize that there is a need for good ole down and dirty quick advise when it comes to dust mites.

So here are the top 5 MUST DO’s to get rid of and keep out dust mites… and their feces!


What The Heck Are Dust Mites?

I cant begin to tell you how often I get this question? We all know they are bad and that we dont want them but most of us remain fairly uneducated about what dust mites are and how to combat them.

Simply put dust mites are microscope bugs that primarily live on dead skin cells regularly shed from humans and their animal pets. Dust mites are generally harmless to most people. They don’t carry diseases, but they can cause allergic reactions in asthmatics and others who are allergic to their feces. People sometimes confuse dust mites with bed bugs.

Most of us forget that the average human “sheds” off 1/3 ounce (10 grams) of dead skin a week! That gives dust mites a lot to eat. Cats and dogs create far more dander for dust mites to eat. So any place where a person or an animal lounges a great deal becomes a dust mite “buffet” of sorts. Thats why we see so many on couches and mattresses.

Its not uncommon for the typical mattress to contain tens of thousands of dust mites. 100,000 mites can live in one square yard. A single dust mite produces about 20 waste droppings each day. As gross as it sounds (and is) it is a protein in this waste that cause many allergic reactions ranging from itchy eyes to asthma attacks.

So how can you recognize the symptoms to dust mites?

The protein in the dust mite waste produces antibodies in humans who are allergic when these are inhaled or touch the skin. These antibodies cause the release of histamines which causes to nasal congestion, swelling and irritation of the upper respiratory passages. The Mayo Clinic, WebMD and many others collectively provide this list of typical symptoms of an allergy to dust mites;

Breast Feeding and Allergies?

One of the main reasons I was drawn to allergy and asthma medicine was because of how many seemingly bizarre connections there are to asthma, allergies and skin issues alike.

Take breast feeding for example. Most articles related to the importance of breast feeding lean heavily upon the psychological and emotional development of children. But did you know there is scientific fact connecting breast-feeding and asthma? And not just breast-feeding in general but actually the term that a mother breast feeds!

A new Dutch study found that babies who are exclusively breastfed up to the age of six months have a lower risk of developing asthma-related symptoms in early childhood.

The study was conducted by researchers at the Erasmus Medical Center in Rotterdam in The Netherlands and was published online in the European Respiratory Journal. The researchers emphasize that their findings support current recommendations that infants in industrialized countries should only receive breast milk up to the age of six month.

While previous studies have linked breastfeeding and asthma risk, this study is the first to show a link between duration of breastfeeding and number of wheezing periods.

Researchers summed up their conclusion in the following statement: “Shorter duration and non-exclusivity of breastfeeding were associated with increased risks of asthma-related symptoms in preschool children.

Always Sick? 10 Warning Signs of Immune Deficiencies For Adults

Even in todays day of innovative medicine many are unaware of the importance of understanding their immunology. In fact many doctors never even look at this fundamental building block in properly assessing their patients issues. The fact is that most of all symptoms can be tracked back to issues with our your immune system.

There are many types of immune deficiencies and the quicker you can identify that you are suffering from one of them the faster you can move on to true solutions and not just treating the symptoms.

Here are 10 warning signs that you might have an immune deficiency.

10 warning signs of primary immune deficiency for adults:

1. Two or more new ear infections within 1 year.
2. Two or more serious sinus infections within 1 year, in absence of an
3. One pneumonia per year for 1 year.
4. Chronic diarrhea with weight loss.
5. Recurrent viral infections (colds, herpes, warts, condyloma)
6. Recurrent need for intravenous antibiotics to clear infections.
7. Recurrent, deep abscesses of the skin or internal organs.
8. Persistent thrush or fungal infection on skin or elsewhere.
9. Infection with normally harmless tuberculosis-like bacteria.
10. A family history of PI.

Most Americans are caught in an endless loop of identifying symptoms, treating those symptoms but never recovering. If you identify with ANY of these above mentioned warning signs please see an Immunologist and get busy solving the cause!


Here are some excellent resources for more research!